

Erin Bowles, MPH


“在KPWHRI,我们可以获得有关癌症治疗的大量数据. 我正在利用这些数据来学习如何改善癌症患者及其家属的体验.”

Erin Bowles, MPH


Twitter: @ErinJBowles



Epidemiologist Erin Bowles, MPH, 是否从许多不同的角度看待癌症筛查和治疗. Her research brings new insight into cancer risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship, 同时帮助改善癌症患者和家属的护理.

Erin received an R50 mid-career research award from the National Cancer Institute (NCI). 这个奖项是颁发给那些在癌症世界杯下注网站中取得成功并做出贡献的非主要世界杯下注网站者. 作为两个大型癌症合作组织NCI的重要成员 Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium and the Health Care Systems Cancer Research Network Erin拥有多种专业知识,包括阅读乳房x光片以了解乳房密度,以及使用行政数据来了解癌症治疗的护理模式.

Her current work includes:

  • 在纪念斯隆凯特琳癌症中心的一名世界杯下注网站人员领导下,合作开展了一项多地点CRN世界杯下注网站,以了解肥胖如何影响乳腺癌女性的化疗剂量、复发风险和毒性
  • 帮助来自北加州凯撒医疗机构、加州大学旧金山分校和加州大学戴维斯分校的世界杯下注网站人员了解儿童和孕妇的成像趋势, 以及随后的白血病风险与影像学检查产生的电离辐射有关
  • Working with investigators from the NCI, 2022世界杯下注网站 Colorado, 和乔治亚州凯撒医疗机构一起世界杯下注网站乳房x光检查对乳腺密度的影响, radiation treatment, 组织生物标志物与患有乳腺癌的女性的第二种癌症有关
  • 在BCSC内合作开展多项世界杯下注网站,以了解健康的差异和社会决定因素如何影响乳腺癌筛查, diagnosis, and surveillance
  • 帮助威斯康星大学的世界杯下注网站人员开发一个预测甲状腺癌诊断的模型,并评估医疗保健利用如何影响甲状腺癌的检测和结果
  • 与疾病控制和预防中心的团队合作, University of Washington, 和多中心卫生系统,为有资格接受乳腺癌治疗的人制定和验证有关癌症筛查的问题, colorectal, cervical, 和/或全国健康访谈调查的肺癌筛查.

在过去的20年里,艾琳与大型观察队列和众多世界杯下注网站团队合作的经验为她在许多学科领域的数据收集和质量控制方面提供了专业知识. 她也是KPWHRI合作科学部的经理, providing leadership, supervision, mentorship, and support to junior faculty.

Research interests and experience

  • Cancer

    Breast cancer; colorectal cancer; multiple myeloma; thyroid cancer; pancreatic cancer; biostatistics; epidemiology; mammography; mammographic breast density; cancer treatment; cancer screening and surveillance; automated data collection; quality of care; medication use; care coordination; administrative data

  • Health Services & Economics

    Access to care; health disparities; health outcomes research; quality of life; measurement of change in health care systems; practice variation

  • Women's Health

    Menopause; hormone replacement therapy (HRT); breast cancer

  • Aging & Geriatrics

    Cognitive health and dementia; biostatistics; epidemiology; medication use; cancer

Recent publications

Kantor ED, O’Connell KO, Ergas IJ, Valice E, Roh JM, Bhimani J, Heon N, Griggs JJ, Lee J, Bowles EJA, Rivera DR, Kolevska T, Bandera EV, Kushi LH. 综合医疗服务系统中乳腺癌化疗剂量降低的评估. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2023 Nov 4. doi: 10.1007/s10549-023-07126-4. Online ahead of print. PubMed

Marlow EC, Ducore JM, Kwan ML, Bowles EJA, Greenlee RT, Pole JD, Rahm AK, Stout NK, Weinmann S, Smith-Bindman R, Miglioretti DL. 唐氏综合症儿童的医学影像利用及相关辐射暴露. PLoS One. 2023 Sep 6;18(9):e0289957. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0289957. eCollection 2023. PubMed

Lee JM, Ichikawa LE, Wernli KJ, Bowles EAJ, Specht JM, Kerlikowske K, Miglioretti DL, Lowry KP, Tosteson ANA, Stout NK, Houssami N, Onega T, Buist DSM. 对个人有乳腺癌病史的妇女进行间隔少于一年的乳房x光检查对其表现的影响. J Korean Radiol. 2023 Aug;24(8):729-738. doi: 10.3348/kjr.2022.1038. PubMed

Nyante SJ, Abraham L, Aiello Bowles EJ, Lee CI, Kerlikowske K, Miglioretti DL, Sprague BL, Henderson LM. 在报告乳房肿块的妇女中,诊断乳房x光检查表现的种族和民族差异. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2023 Jul 13:EPI-23-0289. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-23-0289. [Epub ahead of print]. PubMed

Kerlikowske K, Bissell M, Sprague BL, Tice JA, Tossas KY, Bowles EJA, Ho TH, Keegan THM, Miglioretti DM. BMI对不同种族和民族致密性乳房患病率的影响. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2023 Jun 7;OF1-OF7. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-23-0049. PubMed

Sprague BL, Coley RY, Lowry KP, Kerlikowske K, Henderson LM, Su YR, Lee CI, Onega T, Bowles EJA, Herschorn SD, diFlorio-Alexander RM, Miglioretti DL. 数字乳腺断层合成与数字乳房x线照相术在乳腺癌监测联盟连续筛查中的表现. Radiology. 2023;307(5):e223142. doi: 10.1148/radiol.223142. PubMed


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